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Please apply common sense when around these areas by being patient and providing suitable physical distancing space for all. 1. The Department Operations Guide outlines a number of conditions and restrictions on activities and learning that can take place in a number of our college program areas, largely music, food and HAPE. Students involved in these programs will be informed of what is possible and what conditions are in place to safely continue learning in these areas. NOTE Please note however, that all items listed above are correct as at the time of publishing this newsletter, however are subject to change at any time. The September meeting of the Newcomb Secondary College Council took place remotely on the last Thursday of term 3. Among the items discussed were the return to school in week 2, the new building works which are about to commence, as well as uniform suppliers. For the first week learning will continue remotely as it has for the majority of Term 3 with some VCE SACs and the General Achievement Test GAT being conducted on site. We expect that all students will return to on site learning from Monday 12th October Week 2. More information on this return to school will be communicated as soon as possible. College CouncilThe September meeting of the Newcomb Secondary College Council will take place remotely this Thursday evening, commencing at 7.
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Jun 29 2009 Mulgore gt Barrens gt Ashenvale gt 1000 Needles gt STV gt Badlands gt Winterspring gt Outland. quot To get there use the orb of translocation in the Inner Sanctum of Sunfury Spire in Silvermoon City to cross over to the Undercity. But not every player is aware of this and not every buyer who wants these items are going to take the time to go and pick up the patterns. com Outland often mistakenly called quot Outlands quot 4 or quot The Outland quot 5 is the shattered floating remnants of the destroyed world of Draenor the homeworld of the orcs and refuge of the draenei. There is a zepplin you can take in orgrimmar to get there. The Uldum portal added in Cataclysm is still intact. These zeppelins are distinct from others featuring bladed battering rams and a shark like paint job on the balloon. Getting new ranks of the talented ability requires buying the new ranks from the trainer as you level. Not sure if there is a level requirement I got master skinning in HH at level 47 I had a guild mage port me to the outlands. com The absolute fastest way out of Undercity is to use a mage teleport or a portal. Jul 04 2012 Boy was I excited to get assigned Undercity and Ironstevo was just thrilled when I asked him to be my flag carrier Of course he still can 39 t wear any gear with stats so he was kind enough to let me use his model in MogIt to come up with something worthy of representing the forsaken.
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An article by Antonio Lombatti titled "Doubts Concerning the Coins Over the Eyes" appears in the "Letters To The Editor" section of the current issue 45 of the British Society for the Turin Shroud BSTS Newsletter. Editor's Note: Also available via the "British Society for the Turin Shroud" page of this website. Since the newsletter is published quarterly and distributed primarily by postal mail, a copy of the article was promptly circulated to a select list of Shroud researchers via e mail. One of them, Dr. Alan Whanger, a Shroud researcher who has done considerable work on the coin theory, decided to write an e mail response to the article and distribute it to the same select list of researchers. As I watched the debate between these two gentlemen unfold, I decided to get their permission to publish it here on the website. It provides an excellent example of two prominent researchers with opposing viewpoints debating a controversial issue with mutual respect and professionalism. It also demonstrates why making up one's mind about the Shroud of Turin is difficult when more than one credible point of view exists. However, it is this spirit of cooperation and willingness to communicate that will truly further Shroud research. For those viewers not familiar with the workings of the academic or scientific community, the debate should provide some insight into how science operates. I am pleased to present it here and thank Professor Lombatti and Dr.
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com or visit our website ith the treasury announcing that they will be seeking 10bn worth of savings from the NHS yesterday it means even tighter belts and completely different ways of delivering care. Are you up to the challenge?The real challenge will be to identify the key strategic activities that will drive the biggest improvements rather than tackling isolated issues. It will mean working across organisations and across political boundaries between health and social care to ensure that care is delivered in the right setting by the right professional in the most cost effective manner. This will be difficult and will require a different way of working for many leaders and senior teams. The start of this process is to link the strategic objectives of your organisation to the activities that will drive the improvement and then to engage your health and social care partners. This is the process of Transformation Mapping and something that will increasingly be of importance in the new world of the NHS. To find out more about transformation mapping, or simply just to bounce ideas off someone independent, contact Amnis on . com or visit he article below was published in the HSJ earlier this year. This decision to merge a Welsh health board into a council will drive them along the same lines being adopted by some English PCTs as they de merge Commissioning and Provider Arms, with some of the commissioning organisations finding some financial efficiencies through integrating with local councils. The model proposed is even closer to that operated by the HSE Health Service Executive in Ireland where social care and healthcare are closely aligned although mostly in primary care. Has this led to efficiency gains in the provision of services in Ireland?Well, it seems that whilst the relationship between health and social care in a primary setting might have been improved, the problems of a disconnect between secondary care and primary health and social care remains, and in some areas may actually be worse than having separate organisations.