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"It's amazing to think that we've broken new ground on this . that there is a clear neurobiological basis for motivated forgetting," Anderson said. "Repression has been a vague and controversial construct for over a century, in part because it has been unclear how such a mechanism could be implemented in the brain. The study provides a clear model for how this occurs by grounding it firmly in an essential human ability the ability to control behavior. " In recent years, the question of repressed memory has attracted considerable public attention concerning cases involving childhood abuse. "That was very controversial because it went through two pendulum swings," Gabrieli said.
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Instead, the court primarily uses its judicial authority as the means to compel the payment of fines and fees that advance the Citys financial interests. This has led to court practices that violate the Fourteenth Amendments due process and equal protection requirements. Appointment and retention of judges in Ferguson is done by the city council, just as it is in Arizona. SUBTLE INFLUENCEDespite the conclusion that raising money was a prime objective of the Ferguson court, the DOJ report does not cite a single instance in which city officials either directly told a judge how to rule in a particular case or generally asked a judge to boost revenue through more convictions. The pressure was more subtle than that. It was typically couched in terms of meeting revenue and budget projections, and using aggressive collection techniques to ensure defendants who owed money paid on time. Its not always clear what is allowed and what is inappropriate in conversations between municipal judges and other city officials. Clearly, city council members should not tell judges how to rule on cases, according to interviews with judges and other city officials. But presiding municipal court judges also have administrative responsibilities over budgets and personnel, just like other city department heads. Municipal judges are expected to cooperate with city budget planners to develop revenue projections for the coming year, to operate efficiently within the spending limits set by the council, and to adhere to city budget and personnel rules as long as they do not impede the ability to fulfill their legal duties. So talks about revenue and expenses of the court might be inappropriate pressure on the judge, or simply good budget planning.
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It is difficult to imagine a group of people such as the Serbians, who faced extermination because of a political situation involving their race Bowen 3, attempting to utilize their hair to any sort of political advantage. The same notion applies to African Americans. There is no denying, however, that the hair of African Americans has affected their regard socially throughout their tenure in the United States, and that certain hair types and textures have an enduring social meaning to this day. However, this paper will demonstrate that whatever social regard there is for the various hair types and textures of African Americans has little impact politically, since: it produced little effect Mechanisms of Hair CurvatureCurly KeratinHair composition is composed primarily of structural proteins, which make up 60 95% of its composition Barthelemy et al. 2012. These proteins include keratin intermediate filaments KIFs and keratin associated proteins KAPs that together form a matrix held together through disulfide, hydrogen, electrostatic, and amide bonds. The nature of these bonds renders hair more or less vulnerable to environmental stressors, such as sunshine, pollutants, and hair treatments. Direct comparisons of the three main types of keratin, hair, epidermal, and simple type, revealed that hair is comparatively cysteine rich trnad et al. 2011. These cysteines in turn play an important role in determining hair structure. For example, 97 98% of the cysteines in sheep wool have been shown to be involved in forming disulphide bonds.
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