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And maybe 100 of them slept over that first night in Zuccotti Park, a block long granite plaza tucked between skyscrapers a couple of blocks from Ground Zero. The next night, there were a few more, and on Monday morning, they were still there. There was a police raid on Tuesday, and the little press the occupation got was mocking: The New York Times sent an entertainment reporter, who made fun of the protesters. In the days that followed, the few grew in numbers, a demographic that didnt conform to media clichs: a gritty spiral jetty of anarchist punks and out of work construction workers and teachers who sleep in the park and rise early to get to school. Cooks and nannies and librarians, lots of librarians, and Teamsters and priests and immigrants, legal and otherwise, and culture jammers, eco warriors, hackers, and men and women in Guy Fawkes masks, an army of stunt doubles from V for Vendetta, all joined by young veterans of the Arab Spring and the revolts in Greece and Spain actual revolutionaries who had overthrown dictators and made Western nations shake. Now there are more than 1,600 occupations around the country and the world, some big, most small, some no more than one angry soul on the side of the road with a sign that says We are the 99 percent.
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Article 35. Elderly persons, girls, children and adolescents, pregnant women, persons with disabilities, persons in prison and those who suffer from disastrous or highly complex diseases shall receive priority and specialized care in the public and private sectors. The same priority care shall be received by persons in situations of risk, victims of domestic and violence, child mistreatment, natural or manmade disasters. The State shall provide special protection to persons who are doubly vulnerable. Article 36. Elderly persons shall receive priority and specialized attention in the public and private sectors, especially in terms of social and economic inclusion and protection against violence. Those persons who have reached sixty five years of age shall be considered to be elderly. Article 37. The State shall guarantee elderly persons the following rights:1. Specialized healthcare free of charge, as well as free access to medicines. 2.